Visual Thinking Techniques

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Friday, November 13, 2015

The planet mercury characteristics, The planet mercury characteristics - Mercury is the closest planet to the sun, at a distance of about 57 million kilometers and within 92 million kilometers of the Earth. Planet with a diameter of 4879 kilometers is also the smallest planet in the solar system after Pluto is no longer considered a planet. Mercury name is derived from the name of one of the gods of the Romans, who named Mercury. Mercury emblem is astronomical for the abstraction of the head of the god Mercury with winged cap on top of the caduceus.

The planet mercury characteristics

Mercury And Its characteristics

As the planet closest to the sun, Mercury has a very hot temperatures. During the day the temperature can reach 430 ° C. However, due to the absence of atmosphere, at night the temperature becomes very cold Mercury, which reaches about -180 ° C. All planets experience rotation on its axis, which called for the rotation and move around the sun, which is called a revolution.

Mercury's period of rotation requires a very long time, which is 59 days in every round. As for the period of revolution only takes 88 days, because it is so close to the sun. Mercury's revolution has been rapid, compared to Earth takes 365 days to evolve.

Mercury brightness range

The planet mercury characteristics

Mercury brightness range between -2 to 5.5 in apparent magnitude, but is not easily visible. Mercury can only be seen at dawn or dusk with the naked eye. The surface of Mercury is almost like the moon, which is filled with craters, which is a result of the collision of asteroids and meteoroids. The largest crater of the planet is Kaloris with a diameter of about 1,300 kilometers. In addition, the planet also has no natural satellites. Mercury has a large core with iron content of more among the other planets in the solar system.

Mercury core covered

Mercury core covered by a thick coat of 600 kilometers. Meanwhile, the crust of the planet is estimated to have a thickness of about 100 to 200 kilometers. Mercury's surface has a thin hills, but some of them extends for hundreds of kilometers. It is estimated that these hills are formed due to Mercury's core and mantle cools and shrinks when the crust has been petrified. Many things are still unknown about the planet Mercury this. This is because only one spacecraft to visit, namely Mariner 10 in 1974 to 1975, which mapped only 40 to 45 percent of the planet's surface.

Tags : mercury characteristics, planet mercury, science, science process skills

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